Thursday, May 12, 2016

Videotaping Myself Teaching

Video Taken on: 4/22/16

Well it was definitely hard to watch myself over and over. I’m a little fidgety with my hands in the video, but I know that’s something I naturally do so I try really hard to keep my hands still and clasped and not moving all over or playing with things. I’m not sure if it’s super noticeable but I can tell what I’m trying to do. I also can tell the point where I became aware of trying to speak louder and use a clearer tone, it was when I had students write down what they’re excited for on a post it. Being loud has been a goal of mine, because of how quiet I am as a person and especially after watching the video it’s made even clearer that it’s important because of the loudness going on in the rest of the class. My students are very drawn to it, particularly Asia because of her naturally loud tone, so I think continuing to work on that will be beneficial for me. Also I think working on my body language will help a ton and engaging myself more. I come off disconnected a little in the video and not super excited? I think just overall being more engaging will help the students want to listen to me and help when I’m instructing them into different transitions.

In the shorter video I noticed I was a little better when it came to having an assertive tone, I was able to practice it at one point when one of the students got off track and wasn't putting his token shells in the box when he talked. It still isn’t super assertive, but I can tell my practice helped because the student listened and responded to me right away.

In terms of transitions, I think the lesson flows well and that there’s not too much distractions and not any silent spaces or disconnects because of that so I feel good about that part.

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